An unexpected error occurred.  Error 46645

I get the same error when trying to export a PerformancePoint dashboard item to Excel.

Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.BpmException: An unexpected error occurred. Error 46645. Additional details have been logged for your administrator.

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.BIMonitoringServiceApplicationProxy.ExecuteOnChannel(CodeBlock codeBlock)

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.BIMonitoringServiceApplicationProxy.ExportScorecard(ExportSettings exportSettings, RepositoryLocation scorecardLocation, WebPartContext webPartContext)

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.WebControls.ScorecardWebPart.Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ServerCommon.Export.IOfficeExportWebControl.ExportOfficeDocument(ExportSettings exportSettings)

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.WebControls.OfficeExportPage.OnLoad(EventArgs e)

PerformancePoint Services error code 20402.


An unexpected error occurred. Error 46645.

Exception details:

System.ServiceModel.FaultException: The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug> configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.

Server stack trace:

at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.ThrowIfFaultUnderstood(Message reply, MessageFault fault, String action, MessageVersion version, FaultConverter faultConverter)

at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation, ProxyRpc& rpc)

at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)

at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)

at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)

Exception rethrown at [0]:

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)

at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.IBIMonitoringServiceApplication.ExportScorecard(String exportSettings, RepositoryLocation scorecardLocation, WebPartContext webPartContext)

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.BIMonitoringServiceApplicationProxy.<>c__DisplayClassca.<ExportScorecard>b__c9(IBIMonitoringServiceApplication channel)

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.BIMonitoringServiceApplicationProxy.ExecuteOnChannel(CodeBlock codeBlock)


An unexpected error occurred. Error 63833.

Exception details:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.BIMonitoringServiceApplication.ExportScorecard(String exportSettings, RepositoryLocation scorecardLocation, WebPartContext webPartContext)

at SyncInvokeExportScorecard(Object , Object[] , Object[] )

at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.SyncMethodInvoker.Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs, Object[]& outputs)

at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DispatchOperationRuntime.InvokeBegin(MessageRpc& rpc)

at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage5(MessageRpc& rpc)

at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage4(MessageRpc& rpc)

at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.MessageRpc.Process(Boolean isOperationContextSet)


An unexpected error occurred while trying to export.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ServerCommon.Export.Engine.GridFactory.AddGridCell(Int32 absoluteRow, Int32 absoluteColumn, GridCell cell, GridHeaderItem rowGridHeaderItem, GridHeaderItem columnLeafItem, GridFormatInfo format, Int32 maxDisplayElements)

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ServerCommon.Export.Engine.GridFactory.AddGridCell(GridHeaderItem rowHeader, Int32& currentRowOffset, Int32 absoluteColumn, GridHeaderItem colLeafItem, Int32 maxDisplayElements)

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ServerCommon.Export.Engine.GridFactory.TraverseRowHeaders(Int32 absoluteColumn, GridHeaderItem colLeafItem, Int32 maxDisplayElements)

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ServerCommon.Export.Engine.GridFactory.TraverseColumnTree(GridHeaderItem colItem, Int32 rowThreshold, Single& colHeaderWidth, Single& colHeaderOffset)

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ServerCommon.Export.Engine.GridFactory.TraverseColumnTree(GridHeaderItem colItem, Int32 rowThreshold, Single& colHeaderWidth, Single& colHeaderOffset)

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ServerCommon.Export.Engine.GridFactory.ProcessScorecard(ExportFormat exportFormat, GridViewData viewData, DataTable filterTable, Boolean filterMode, DictionaryWrapper`2 clientViewState)

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ServerCommon.Export.Engine.GridFactory.CreateGridFromScorecard(ExportFormat exportFormat, IExportModel exportModel, RelatedInfo relatedInfo, GridViewData currentGridViewData, PrimitiveGrid& primitiveGrid, String[]& tempFileCleanupLog, DataTable filterTable, Boolean filterMode, DictionaryWrapper`2 clientViewState)

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ServerCommon.Export.Engine.GridFactory.CreateGridFromScorecard(ExportFormat exportFormat, IExportModel exportModel, RelatedInfo relatedInfo, PrimitiveGrid& primitiveGrid, String[]& tempFileCleanupLog, DataTable filterTable, Boolean filterMode, DictionaryWrapper`2 clientViewState)

at Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ServerCommon.Export.NativeExport.ExportToOfficeDocument(ExportFormat exportFormat, RelatedInfo relatedInfo, IExportModel exportModel, DataTable filterTable, Boolean filterMode, DictionaryWrapper`2 clientViewState)

PerformancePoint Services error code 20400.

July 25th, 2010 7:46am


This is a known issue and has been reported to our development team.  They are currently reviewing the issue to see about addressing it in the future.


Heidi Tr - MSFT


Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 6th, 2010 7:49pm

Hi Heidi,

I am have experienced this error message on our Dashboard, I have re-built the dashboard and it is now working, however would like to understand what caused the dashboard to break in the first place? Can you please advise?



February 23rd, 2011 4:59am

Hello Heidi,

We are experiencing the same issue on PPS dashboard. Can you advice whether a fix has been released for this? Is there a recommended work around for this issue? 



Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 21st, 2011 2:41am


This issue will be addressed in the upcoming Service Pack for SharePoint 2010 which is due to release this summer.  As of right now, we  do not have any workarounds at this time.



Heidi Tr - MSFT


June 21st, 2011 4:22pm

I have updated SP1 and i still have the same issue. I have logged the call with MS and waiting for the answer....
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 24th, 2011 8:32pm

Have the same Problem. Migrated Farm from 2007 to sp2010 with SP1. Did you have some new informations ? What about your call @ MS Support
November 17th, 2011 4:24pm

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 18th, 2011 9:04am

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
November 18th, 2011 9:04am

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 18th, 2011 9:04am

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
November 18th, 2011 9:04am

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 18th, 2011 9:04am

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
November 18th, 2011 9:04am

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 18th, 2011 9:04am

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
November 18th, 2011 9:04am

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 18th, 2011 9:04am

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
November 18th, 2011 9:04am

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 18th, 2011 9:04am

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
November 18th, 2011 9:04am

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 18th, 2011 9:04am

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
November 18th, 2011 9:04am

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 18th, 2011 12:04pm

Found a solution for my problem.
I just recreate the service application - not choosing a special App Pool account but the Farm Account. I now thats not the right way but now it is possible to locate the problem.
It seems that SharePoint have a problem to setup the right permissons on the database,  if you create the service Application on another Account than the Farmaccount. Some other people get the same issue with Word or Excel Services.

If somebody knows proper permissions on the database - please post it 

  • Proposed as answer by Merin Nakarmi Monday, August 20, 2012 3:43 AM
November 18th, 2011 12:04pm

In my case we got that error when the dashboard was on a page, which the correct AD-group had gotten read rights to, but the analysis database in the back, that the dashboard fetched its data from, there the same AD-group was not a member of the read role. I thought we'd set it up so a SharePoint systemuser was the one reading the cube, but I guess we are using Kerberos.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 11th, 2015 2:53pm

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